It is attacking marginalized children for who they are, where their parents are. And the dangerous and outrageous fabrication the not been aligned with conservative Republicans is akin to been pro-child abuser. It`s Ted Cruz`s ridiculous attempt to gotcha a Supreme Court nominee about racist babies. It`s Ron DeSantis banning math books, math books, because he thinks they are too woke. It`s Glenn Youngkin campaigning on the fear that that Republican activists` sons might be turned forced to read Tony Morrison. It is the white hot molten core of Republicanism in the post- Trump era. Yes, the party that claims to hate regulations actually loves regulating identities. In the absence of policy, ideas to run on, they have turned to regulating. They don`t care about policy, but they do care about power. Here is the big bold headline: McConnell, no legislative agenda for 2022 midterms. CAPEHART: So, what is the Republican agenda? We already know they don`t have a legislative agenda.